Who I am

Me & My Bio


Hi, I'm Mary-Jo


I am a champion of the human spirit and a wayshower (way-show-er).

I am passionate about helping people find their mojo and develop the confidence, clarity, skills, habits and well-being they need to: be their best selves, build better relationships, be better leaders and create a better world.

I believe each of us is born with our own unique set of: gifts, innate talents and aspirations that we are meant to re- discover, develop and share with the world. When YOU embrace your uniqueness, and develop & utilize YOUR gifts; YOU create a life YOU love & make a contribution to the world that only YOU can make.

I was born to learn, lead, heal, love, teach, support and guide others to realize their TRUE human and leadership potential. Mojo (the business) is an expression of who I am and what I believe I was born to do.

My innate talents & gifts discovered so far include: leadership, teaching, facilitating, supporting, guiding, designing, seeing patterns/connecting-the-dots, listening, service, insight, empathy, compassion, introversion, courage, resilience, my intuition, my sensitivity, and my voice.

I aspire to awaken hearts, expand minds and empower people to live authentically, love fearlessly, work joyfully and lead courageously - so together - we can create a world that values: emotional intelligence equal to cognitive intelligence; relationships above things; cooperation over competition; people before profit; love NOT fear.

My Core Values : truth, love, connection, empowerment, personal responsibility and continuous learning

Things that make my heart sing : learning; growing; teaching; deep conversation; witnessing people’s “aha moments”; sharing my “aha moments” with my husband; nature; walking (especially barefoot on a white sandy beach); singing; dancing; reading; quality time with my family, friends and two furry “kids” (cats); all the joyful and painful lessons I’ve learned (so far), the magic of the universe and making a meaningful difference in the world.


mo·jo (noun)


: the innate energy that fuels your passion for life, motivates you to fulfill your true potential and enables you to create a peaceful, purposeful & prosperous life

(synonyms): your inner light; the TRUE YOU; the heart of TRUE SUCCESS


My Bio

Mary-Jo sitting at her desk with a blue mug and her laptop. Smiling because she’s doing what she loves

All of the work I do with clients falls under the umbrella of Holistic Personal and Leadership Development. I’m not a fan of titles – but they help create clarity - so here goes. Transformative: Learning Consultant, Designer & Facilitator; Coach & Mentor; Speaker; and Reiki Master (practitioner & teacher). I’m an authorized facilitator and distributor for: DiSC™ (behavioural styles) & The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team™; and a certified EQ-i™ Coach (Emotional Intelligence).


My formal education is in Human Resources. I am a former CPHR (Chartered Professional in Human Resources).

Everything I do is an expression of who I am and my lessons learned from life, extensive personal development & growth and a 30+-year career that includes:

  • 23 years (inside organizations) building, managing, leading, training and coaching others in: Service/sales, Operations, Human Resources and Leadership & Organizational Development

  • 12+ blissful years (and counting) facilitating the learning, growth, well-being and success of individuals & organizations through direct client relationships and, associate relationships with: Mount Royal University, Global Knowledge, Hemsley Fraser, and HORN.

What I love most about what I do is that all of the practices I empower my clients to implement are equally applicable to work and home – and make a meaningful difference in their lives and the lives of others.